Final Rick M. Podcast

Final Rick M. Podcast

January 19, 2023


Brett Scott


Brett Scott  00:01

All right everybody. Welcome back. Today with me here is my old weightlifting coach and a good friend of mine. Rick Meldrum also goes by Richard Meldrum, I think formally. So he is an Army vet. He’s got his bachelor’s in exercise physiology and his master’s in exercise physiology or sports science as well, like that. Yeah, we’ll go with that. He’s competed nationally as a weightlifter. He’s been a collegiate strength coach at the University of why UMass Lowell West Point, and has worked at BU and BC as well. He is a USA W level one coach. And a big part of what we’re going to be talking about today is he has a published research article on the barbell back squat versus a safety bar squat, with NCAA baseball players, specifically using the APR II training system or training model, which is a lot of what we’re going to talk about today. So, Rick, thanks for coming on. And this will be a good, good show to just kind of talk shop about a lot of things. And so excuse if if we get on a ramble here. But APR is something a lot of our methodology has kind of gone through together where you coach me, we used a lot of aprt. With architect fitness to we use a lot of aprt with a lot of our clients. And it’s a system that really works well for a lot of people. And there’s a lot to it, when someone first kind of gets into it, it can be a bit overwhelming when you’re telling someone how it works and what they have to do. They do it a couple of times, it’s a guy with super simple. And there’s also people that I wouldn’t do this for specifically maybe because of their personality type, the way they might push themselves too hard, or just don’t understand how to really scale their own efforts and intentions with something. So Rick, tell us a little bit about APR II training and what it is and that it’s an another big thing too is that it is not RPE training.



Yeah. Yes. Right. So you have a PRP and RPE. So APR is standing for auto regulatory progressive resistance exercise, and RPE standard for I don’t even know what that’s the rate of perceived exertion. So it’s there. It’s I have to like say, I don’t know it. So rate of perceived exertion. And they are both like auto regulatory in a sense of like, you’re adjusting, like interest set. So between sets of whatever exercise APRV is more. Like, essentially, I always describe it as like performing something to like repetition or technical failure. Versus RPE is like adjusting off of how you feel. And most people would be like, Well, isn’t that like the same thing? And, well, no, no, vastly different things like performing something to like muscle failure, like you could even do APRV for just same as like RPE, you could do it for leg extensions on like a leg extension machine, I feel really safe doing that until like muscle failure, almost any load. No, that’s probably not going to result in like compound fractures to my shin or something like that, right? Like, fairly safe in that regard. Where RPE would be like, Hey, man, I want to do two reps, or 10 reps at what feels like a seven out of 1010 being like the most effort you can possibly put into it. That’s usually how I’m trying to like describe the differences. And the APRV has had some also like we’ve done some similar things that I would put it under the same kind of umbrella as that same as like our eye our reps and reserve, I would like pair with RPE. I use that as like a way to kind of explain that kind of same thing with what we’ve done with some of the weightlifting stuff, where we kind of adapted a lot of the LSU Shreveport stuff that they were doing down there, which was essentially like going into a maximum rather than a repetition maximum and then adjusting from there. It was just okay. Oh, I could do you’re just going to a load maximum. Yep. So the idea being like a maximum for the day. I would, in my mind, put that in the same like, Okay, I’ll go do a five rep max and just keep going until I can only get five reps. Well, there you go. Today might be 100 pounds next week, it might be 95. The one the week after that, it might be 105. So I kind of put that in the same umbrella and we’ve done that training together and with other people that we’ve coached.


Brett Scott  04:51

Yeah, and I definitely use RPE and reps and reserve or our IR As pretty much I explained it to people as it’s an inverse of one another. So it’s like, Hey, you’re gonna be at an eight out of 10, that basically means, you know, eight, or 10 minus eight gives you two. So you should still be able to do two more reps with pretty good form, where if you’re an eight and a half, that gives you one and a half. So you should be able to do one, maybe two more nine would be you could do one more, nine and a half, you could be, you know, at a near maximal weight, and do maybe one more if you really push it out. So that’s how I use our IR RPE. And the same, but APR is quite a bit different of how we’re, what the loading structure is. So power lifters, I like to use RPE a lot when people have a good idea of who they are as a lifter, what their needs are, and ones that have a pretty high training age that are pretty well versed and experienced, that they know what a seven looks like, and should feel like and is also something where they know what’s too much and they know how to scale back. APR is a bit different. So take us through how the aprs system works.



Yes, so the APR re I think the original methodology or intervention like scheme was by Mel Sif, in wonder if I have that book on my bookshelf, which I think it was just either 10 rep maximum and six rep maximum or six rep maximum three rep maximum, I think it was tenant six, though, and it was essentially you four sets, it will start with 10. So it was for 10 rep maximum with your estimated 10 rep maximum, you would perform 12 reps at 50%, then you would perform this second set, the first two sets are warm up sets. So the second set would be 10 reps at 75% of that maximum. And then your first like working set is set three, and you would perform that and two repetition or technical failure, muscle failure, your estimated 10 rep max for as many reps as you could until muscle failure, technical failure. And then depending on what that was, like if you got 12 or 13 reps, you would increase the fourth set by five pounds or 5%. And then you would repeat that again for the fourth set. Now if you got 13 reps again, then the subsequent training session. So next week, you would do the whole process again with that new number. The converse or inverse of that if you got less than 10 reps, if you got like eight reps or less than you would decrease the next set. programs that were similar to this also, Juggernaut put out like a squat program like a long time ago, that was very similar, essentially the last set that you would like rep out and then there would be this adjustment going to the next time you would do that training, iteration for like squat or whatever. So that would be the concept as you’re kind of adjusting basing off of how many repetitions you got for the next set. And then the next training, add infinity go and go until no more adaptation happens.


Brett Scott  08:35

Yeah. And so what is the point of doing that? And how do the adjustments, each adjustments so So basically, what they’re doing, or what we know is they’re auto regulating someone’s volume and intensity together?



Yeah, that’s a very nice way of putting that.


Brett Scott  08:51

So So yeah, so basically just what’s happening is, for those of you out there listening, it’s basically it’s just keeping you in a range simply like, it sounds very complicated when we first talk about it. But what we’re really trying to do is say, okay, you don’t have to do just five reps, maybe you don’t know what your true Max is yet as a lifter. And I think, in the college, the collegiate worlds, it’s aprs can be huge for that, because a lot of these kids are brand new to training, they have a ton of athletic talents, and we can push them harder than they probably think they can. And it’s just like, hey, if you can do more, do more, keep going. And then we’ll just adjust from there. And make sure what we’re trying to do is fine. So like, by week four of your first block through like, you should have an idea of what your 10 rep max is, if you’re doing it in the 10 rep wave and just keeping you in that kind of that safe zone of like, hey, you know, between eight and 12 reps, we’re in some type of hypertrophy training zone. And that’s the goal. So that’s what we’re going to do doesn’t mean you have to only hit seven and then Miss like Some people that I transitioned RPE training, it’s like, well, I didn’t find a seven and a half or whatever. So I just stopped it, you know, the 10th rep, it’s like, well, you only push yourself to 70% of your potential there. So you should have just done more reps or put more weight on the bar, which is essentially what a PRP is. And so, Rick, for you, what, why and when should we use it?



Great question. I tend to I tend to use it like a hammer right now. And just boop, boop, boop, everything’s a nail. It’s kind of like my default programming. I think it’s a great time to use it one for familiarization. Yeah, for like, the younger populace, maybe they just don’t have a lot of training experience, like their, their training ages low. So like, they’ll get a ton of adaptation. And in my opinion, when especially when you’re trying to chase hypertrophy, I like to chase hypertrophy throughout the rep range, maybe not so much in the three rep max era. But from some of the research, not all of it, there’s some research that would say otherwise. But some of the research out there suggested that like performing repetitions to muscle failure will elicit as well or greater responses in hypertrophy. Don’t quote me on that. It’s been a while since I’ve read some of the stuff. So I tried to look at it a little bit before we hopped on here to kind of refresh and some of it was kind of there. I’m under the belief that that’s kind of the best way to go about it. Again, till safe technical, like standards, I’m not letting these athletes or trainees or clients get unsafe, technically, but performing that and trying to exactly get every little bit out of them and pushing them to kind of understanding where their own limits are. I also would like to use it for like a go getting type of athletes, especially striker athletes are because like, it’s like putting a little carrot in front of them. Hey, man, you could you could just get stronger this entire time. Absolutely. Like, hey, if you get it, you got to kind of be like choosy with it though. Because they’ll start gaming it. My girlfriend or like week one, I had her do this stuff. And she like already tried. Like, Well, okay, so if I get 12 or 13, then I’ll go up. So they’ll stop. Rather than push it to the absolute repetition Max, they’ll just stop at, okay, this was the rep the last rep I needed to go up. So I’ll do it again, on the fourth set, it’s like no, like, No, you should be going to failure. I’ve had done myself sometimes where it’s, I’m going to failure. So I go up the one set. And then the fourth set, I gotta go back down. Because I don’t even get 10 reps I got I got 13 on the set three, or like the first autoregulatory Set rep out, get 30 reps, the second rep or second set, get eight or so kind of at the same spot. But I did 13 reps at 100 pounds, and then went up to 105 and still got eight reps. So like you’re still getting a lot of like, you kind of get both ends, I got 13 reps here, and then eight reps, I like this higher load, I’m still probably performing as much as I can out of my muscles and kind of elicit that hypertrophy response. I think it’s great for that once you start getting towards speed stuff. Power stuff. Okay, let’s move off of that and, and focus more on like those aspects. I still believe though you could use a period and those methods as well okay, now we’re not chasing load. That’s not the focal point, you could still say hey, we’re going to do 10 rep max six rep max three rep max with this protocol, but force velocity being the you know, you could put the tendo unit on the bar and just say okay, hey, you as many reps as you can at this load at this speed as soon as the barbell speed dips below that you’re cut off so now it’s not load being what you’re increasing are trying to get its repetitions at that speed. So yeah, maybe you can do that.


Brett Scott  14:20

Yeah, we don’t have a tendo unit yet. I’ve I’ve always toyed with one but we keep things fairly basic in the game. Connor definitely wants one so



I’m sure it knows. It’s not his money. It’s yours.


Brett Scott  14:38

Yeah, I mean, he could go out and buy it. I wanted you Connor I’ll tell him in the truck tomorrow. But so as you said, so part of this is like you always want to chase the higher number or more reps with it versus you don’t want to what is it? I feel like we could argue this back and forth of like, well, if you stay on the lower end of it, and you’re just trying to chase intensity, will you get stronger by instead of getting going for 13, or 14, and you just get 12 and then bump from there, or especially for down and like the threes and the sixes, if you just get to the the four or the five, and bump weight, and stay in that range, are you still good? Or do you always want to be pushing it?



I think you could argue back and forth. And it would be I guess, I gotta get back to school and get into doing some research again on this. Because I would like to have faith in the system and saying that, like, No, you should be going to like repetition. Because like, we haven’t even done a peak yet, right. So let’s, let’s take it to the three rep max, where you’re doing like, six reps for the first set at 50%, then 35% For three reps, and then go time for three rep max as many reps as you can, rather than stopping at five reps. So I could go up and then do the fourth set and do another. And so essentially what right gaming it and staying in that rep range, just increasing the load. That seems to be as the same as like just doing, you know, percentage based increases, right? I think if you’re really trying to chase the hypertrophy and or like taxing the muscle and or neurological system to its limit and letting that adaptation happen, right, you got to stress it till it breaks, in a sense, so that they’re going to rebuild, then I’m going to do the peak. And that’s when all of that stuff is actualized or realize to those gains, like I don’t I’m not expecting this person, especially if they’re really getting after it. These are these like strong athletes that are getting after it inside like these working sets, like no, if anything, they should, I would like to see them not be this like linear gain every week to because I would get Okay, we’re gonna keep doing this block until this stops happening. So if they want to keep doing six rep max, for weeks, on weeks on weeks on end, okay, they’ll either get the opportunity to have these fluctuations where you start seeing it go up and down. And maybe there’s some correlation between their hydration time of day pop up, we can get into that stuff later. But then you kind of start seeing it. But if it’s just this constant linear progression every week, week to week to week to week to week or keep going until that stops happening. And then you can kind of okay, now we need to do the next phase to the adaptation and keep going until you see some fluctuations and you get a little decrease. Okay, diminishing returns time to back off, do a little recovery peak. And let’s, let’s see what happened. What do we get out of that?


Brett Scott  17:49

Yeah. And so what are your thoughts on like the true failure of a working set? So the way I presented it, and I, I think I present it differently to different individuals based on the psychology that person has their mindset, their training intention, like you remember, do you remember Micah Goldberg? They used to train? I suppose. He was buddies with Carlos. Yeah, he was like, he was a monster, like, he got under the bar, and he would squat till he was almost dead. And I APRV would have been good for him. But he pushed it too hard. Every single set. Yeah, I was like, you’re just gonna get hurt.



So you gotta be there’s gotta be a cut off. And I don’t I’m with you. I don’t sorry to interrupt you. But I don’t think the athlete, especially with mica is the one to determine that you got to be like, as the coach the ultimate like, Okay, you’re done. Okay, that was enough. You got it increase, you got the double increase, right? Because it’s like 5%. Or if you get like, with a 10 rep max, if you get like 15 Plus reps, then you get you get 10% increase. If he said the 10% increase. Okay. Cool. Yeah, that’s when you got to shut him down before they do too much damage, because they’re gonna, like, get every rep they possibly can rather than like, us with the Coach’s Eye looking out at you see a little bit of a little too much, you know, like, spine out of the range that you’d like to see. So you could shut him down, even though it doesn’t feel that way to them. And so they’re just like, you know, silly, strong. And yeah, until they break themselves.


Brett Scott  19:33

Yeah. So it’s how I define it to some people was like, Look, I want you doing this to like an RPE. Eight almost have like what some people would be familiar with of an eight where it’s like, it’s still hard. And that last rep should look different from the others and that maybe you actually did come out of position a little bit from what’s optimal. We’re starting to see the fatigue set in where things are. Your patterns or behavior are changing with the lifts. But then that’s kind of the point was like, Okay, we’re not seeing what we want to see. So let’s just cut it there. Like if you’re in that rep range, and we can go up and you can, it’s my belief that you can still kind of incrementally go up. So, you know, if you start on week one, especially someone that’s like, newer, and it’s, you know, 100 pounds is looks like an eight. Okay, well, let’s, let’s stop there. But like, if, you know, theory letter, theoretically, if Sorry, can’t say that word today. If you bring that up each week, that same week should technically get easier, especially if you’re making those small adjustments in volume and intensity. So what are your thoughts there?



Yeah, I mean, especially depending on like, where they are in their training age. Definitely, there’s some, there’s some wisdom there to be had about like, okay, keeping it under control. And I think that there’s like a common misconception, I suppose. Or maybe I do a really poor job of explaining myself when I’m talking about like, repetition failure, or like, technical failures, like, and I think you understand this, but maybe people like layman’s when I when I’m first explaining it, think that I mean, like, oh, until like muscle don’t move no more. Like, that’s not what I’m talking about, about failure, like, exactly that technical failure, where it would be probably 80% of that Max. Okay, we’re getting to a point where, yeah, that last rep looks a little slump. It’s a little slower. There’s, you know, they’re like, you’re outside of that, like, 80% of what that form should look like. Yeah, that’s where you stop it. Could they go more? Yeah, they could probably get another five more reps in there. That’s not what I’m concerned about. I want technically sound perfect repetitions. That’s what you’re so in my case, like, yeah, that’s repetition. Failure. Yeah, you could keep doing it. But that’s not the same movement anymore. You’ve it’s broken down so much that that’s unsafe. So we’re talking about safe, technically sound, repetitions. Till that is no longer happening. That’s failure that like the muscle could still fire, obviously, like, you’re still get up and walk around after the set, the muscle is absolutely fatigued to nothing. So


Brett Scott  22:18

yeah, I just I see that as the big the big place most people go wrong with it is they take it too far. Like I’d rather someone gamify and be like, I’m just gonna try to put more weight on the bar by getting the essentially this is the the opposite argument to have, like the minimum clinical effective dose? It’s hard. Yeah. But it’s like, so we go minimal or maximal. And I think people kind of define the in between of like, we still want to push ourselves, it should be hard, it should feel hard. And but also, we should still be able to do three more sets after this first working set with good form good technique, and be able to repeatedly do this week after week.



Yeah, yeah. Another part of that minimal effective dose to I’ve learned, took me a while, but like, okay, hey, if I really want to chase the apiary stuff with this person, then the subsequent exercise selection load volume has to adjust to match that. So I am staying within that minimum effective dose, right. If I’m going to chase the dosage on this exercise here, this program here, then my accessory stuff has to dial back a little bit to because they’re going to spend more time doing more things here. So that I’m not doing maximum effective dose but minimal effective dose. Well,


Brett Scott  23:46

yeah. Also depends though, to with the person you’re you’re going after. So it’s like, if you got a new college baseball player that has potential but hasn’t lifted before, he could probably tolerate more, because his nervous system just isn’t as efficient. as, like, for me when I was doing APRV with you like, that shit was hard. Every set was hard. And yeah, we didn’t do a lot of other stuff after that. But I still got very good effects from the training. However, if I have someone that’s new to training, maybe they’re in their 40s, because we have a lot of clients who put on aprt that might be in their 30s 40s, whatever, don’t have a huge training age don’t really have much experience lifting weights. We could do a PR e just fine because there’s just such a room for potential for growth there but they’re not. They feel like they might be hitting their potential end cap. But we know with more time there’s so much more capability in there that they can still handle bigger compound lifts after that in some type of fashion that’s going to be effective for them.



Right. Agreed. Yeah,


Brett Scott  24:57

yeah. So So what makes it so applicable in so many different applications to so like, you’ve used it with me a firm one on one coaching before, I assume you’ve used that at the collegiate level in weight rooms for college teams. You know, we use it in the semi private model for, you know, adult, semi private fitness. So



I’ve also used it with youth sports performance. When I was doing that a little bit like the like, when we first met, I was like, out of the college game into the youth, like performance training for a little bit. And use it there too. With moderate success, I would say like, again, it’s still more more of those motor morons. That’s like a bad word. But just, you know, kids that just can’t like, flatten their back out no matter how many times you tried figured it out. So stuff like that, outside of that it was like, really, really flexible, or why is it so successful? I think, because of how it pushes both neurological and like, physiological adaptation, like muscle hypertrophy and neurological adaptations, as you are pushing that maximum like going to failure. Again, technically say failure for all those listening. But I just die think that’s why Eric, because those are like the things that you’re chasing amongst all of these other rep scheme, you know, programming methodologies, your those are the qualities you’re chasing, is neurological adaptation and physiological adaptation and best ways to get that is taxing the system until it needs to rebuild it. Let’s program kind of does that in one go. If I could only do one program for one exercise once a week. Yeah, it would be doing this in squid, and that would be the back squat. And that would be that’s how I get, like,


Brett Scott  27:00

trap our deadlift for me.



Yeah, I would say safety squat bar. I don’t even like hold the bar anymore. But I like the bucket handle.


Brett Scott  27:12

All right. And is there anything that makes it better than RPE? Or just different from RPE?



It’s just, I will never be someone that says one thing is better than the other in this game. I will say people are better than other people, but not any sort of like methodology or something like that. Like we’ve talked about this whole episode, I feel like it all depends on who you’re talking to. So no, I mean, difference wise. Yeah. One is more of like this internal feeling. Versus like RPE reps and reserve I would feel is more subjective versus APR being objective. I’m looking at something objectively failing here versus what it feels like to you. Because yeah, a seven today, you know, may not feel like a seven next week after I raged all weekend, right? Yeah. All the time now.


Brett Scott  28:16

Yeah. And I think with with that two RPE is gone. And this whole thing of like, there is a objective component to it. Of, if you film yourself doing it, that’s like, oh, man, that felt like an eight and a half. And you look at us, like that moves like a seven. So and then and then you watch yourself do and you’re like, oh, yeah, that that, that that’s a seven, there’s no arguing that. And sometimes even like, I’ve done this before, where it’s like, you look at it, like, okay, that feels like an eight looks like a seven, you’re next that actually feels better. Because like, No, I just moved this like a seven like, I totally have this. And it just changes your mind set. But I think, you know, some of those things with RPE people can self limit themselves. I just I’m more hesitant to use it with the higher level like power lifters because there’s just so much more of regulating them from a daily standpoint of if you’re doing a PRA one day, like you might be trashed the next day. Oh, yeah. You know, a lot of us we squat on Monday, and we’re gonna deadlift, some variation on Tuesday. So we have to be ready for that we can’t be smoked.



Yeah. So for me, I like putting the RPE stuff. Or like, I’ll use that as a load prescription for my like, why am I blanking on the term now? Extra exercises for supplementary exercises, right? That’s where like, hey man, get your glute kickbacks and step ups and Single Leg stuff five by five RPE seven, or RPE six, add like, whatever that feels like and then they can do Because at that point, I’m gonna be honest, I’ve got bigger Touchwood, I’ve now focused on the next like, main set athlete, like, whatever that is, okay, like, I should not need to hold your hand and tell you that that’s an RPE seven for your dumbbell split stance squat. In my mind, again, I have had clients where like, as a collegiate strength coach as like a professional client, or private sector, it’s, I’m with him the whole time, and I’m happy about it.


Brett Scott  30:28

Yeah, that’s why Rick doesn’t work at architect fitness. We watch all our athletes all the time.



Yeah, that was a collegiate setting when I’m like one coach to like, 60 baseball players, and it’s just like, No, dude, go over there. And I will catch YOU WHO? I did this when you were a freshman. And you’re a junior now and you should know how to do this. I’ve seen you for three years, I swear to god. Yeah, different different different minds. I’m sure a bunch of college straight coaches are going to call me out now. So that’s good. Yeah.


Brett Scott  31:00

So how do you typically periodized someone through this and maybe it’s goal specific, but take someone that, you know, is fresh start to training again, or they’re, they’re starting a new block, and maybe they just had a competition? Are you gonna start them with a 10 rep wave?



I’m either starting them there, or I’m gonna do some tempo work before we get into this. So like, some tri phasic, like a tri phasic block to start with? Or yeah, right into tents for volume work. And then depending on how much volume and hypertrophy that I feel like they need, it’s either two to four weeks of that.


Brett Scott  31:42

So two to four weeks of 10s at a PRA.



Yeah, and that. And I’ve toyed with the original like program is 10 rep max, six rep max three rep max. We mean, you have toyed with kind of adapted what the Spanish weightlifting team tends to do is multiples of two, I came across that I thought that was really cool. It makes sense to me, I can break this program up into more pieces, essentially. So I could do like 10 864 to any amount of weeks in there, that’s kind of really close. So you can almost do eight for two, right, you can kind of see how you can kind of play with this a little more now, rather than just the 10, six, three, so 10s, especially if they’re younger, or they’re just coming back, they might be able to get a lot, they might be able to 15 plus reps Schwaller care now we’re way kind of almost way outside of the hypertrophy zone like are that magic zone that I kind of like, which is probably I’m wanting them to make no more than 12 reps. And I don’t want them to game it. So we take it to like eight, eight rep max. So then that kind of keeps us a little heavier. And then little poster that and then probably either sixes or fours, maybe more to four because again, I want to push more towards weightlifting. So if it’s someone like a powerlifter, weightlifter, maybe it’s eight for two. Then the next one is if it’s someone like a rehab person, or patient or someone like that, maybe younger than I’m sticking more on like the 10, eight, six or 10, six, four, something like that, kind of keeping it more volume. So yes, definitely starting in the 10s, and then working my way down to that heavier load three rep max, two rep max. And then off of that, and then a very, always speaking, I tend not to test anything until hey, let’s regulate. And then let’s pick you so you’re like Max potentiation for these for these tests.


Brett Scott  33:55

Yeah. And so typically do you work like three weeks or four weeks up D load before going from like a 10 to a six phase.



I have done three weeks with a D load week. I’ve also done five weeks with a D load weeks, so six, or even five weeks, so four weeks straight, and then a D load week. I’ve also done just straight into the next one. Especially if it’s someone who knows what their maxes are, and we’re and they’re well versed in the training. And they’re really close to that stuff. And so they’re kind of doing a little more week to week fluctuations. It’s not just like constantly linear all the way up. But if they get a little they’re flirting with the edge a little more. Now maybe it’ll be like two weeks and ideally two weeks in a D load or just like two weeks, two weeks, two weeks and then on to like another program.


Brett Scott  34:52

Yeah, I read somewhere with one of the articles about a PRA that should really only be done for like two months at a time. And then like you should take a break from it thoughts?



I haven’t read that much on that. Would I do it like, for a long time, like more than? I mean, obviously, I would do it for like three months. So if I would do a month in each block? No, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I also don’t think there would be anything wrong with doing it again, like, going 10, six, three, and then 10, six, three, all depends on their training age, right? Scientifically, you should do the same program until nothing changes. And then you change the program. Like, in theory, that’s what should have, or you should just do it until diminishing returns and then switch. But obviously, that’s way too boring. So I would definitely change that up for my sanity as well as the athletes. Yeah, want to go more than like three or four months.


Brett Scott  35:58

That’s one of my things is is APR II can be great. But I think for some people too, it’s just like, it could look like your coaches being lazy because it’s just so easy to write.





Brett Scott  36:12

Yeah, it is. And so. And I think yeah, it’s like you’re playing the same game over and over again. It’s like, okay, how do we change this? How do we make them more motivated again, because because that’s the thing that was for me to even I was like, okay, like, same thing like fucking trap bar deadlifts, fives, here we go. Again, we did five still a lot. We did like a modified Yeah. aprt with fives, which was pretty cool. And that’s what I’ve started to. So I think that’s what’s great. It’s, this is a system that you can use. But there’s so many ways you could modify it to to make it individualized for someone Oh, yeah, just even play, it’s, it kind of just becomes simple, like logic of, okay, we’re shooting for a heavy five. And that didn’t look heavy. So go up in weight, or keep going with more reps, or that looks too heavy, bring the weight back down, I want you to train in a five rep zone. That’s all it is.



It really is just like self coaching. Like I mean, that I guess that’s like the auto part of the autoregulation. But like, that’s exactly what we would be doing as coaches like on the spot with them. As like, not, bro that looked easy, like add weight every time. I watch my girlfriend do it all the time for work. And like, I was like, you already know how to do autoregulation? Yes, you could do this with your clients. Because like, you already do do this with your clients. You’re just not giving them the parameters that are in your head. Yeah. And it doesn’t have a name it does. You just didn’t know it. I guess in that argument, like almost all of it, all of what we’re doing is like, yeah, the auto part is it’s the athletes themselves rather than we are the regulators as the outside coaches. Yeah, but again, I’ve tried, I guess you can also like, rotate exercises like exercise selection through those, I think we’ve done that where we’ve done APRV for like the fives or the sixes, but we’ve done it for like three months. But each month is a different, like focal point, or like that’s the emphasis is back squat. And then the other one being trap bar deadlift or regular straight bar sumo or something like that. So I’ve done that to kind of, okay, hey, pick, pick one. That’s also part of my, the general prep program that anytime someone asked me like, Oh, hey, can you write me a program? Yes, I can. It’s one that I’ve already written for everybody that asked me and that’s what it is. There you go.


Brett Scott  38:37

Do they have like a defined D load week in there to have like, what should a D load look like if you’re doing a PRA and and with that being said, like, Would you do a PR E for like, squat? But if it’s a power lifter or someone like Jen fit that wants to get stronger? Would you do a PRA for squat bench deadlift, like week by week?



Yeah, absolutely. Yep, I would do that. And what was the first part of the question? I don’t know. It was something about anyways, yes, I would use it for like, all main exercises? Yeah. Oh,


Brett Scott  39:19

oh, it’s do they have a D load?



Do they have a D load? It’s been a while since I’ve looked at the book manager really refreshed myself before this interview. But no. One of the things I remember reading back with like, when Eric Cressey his books on D load was like changing the rep scheme in and of itself is a D load. Oh, so not like oh, I don’t know. But essentially like, because you’re not doing the exact same thing. So the you’re changing the neurological stimulus and you’re changing rep scheme. So whatever the physiological stimulus is to that change is also a D load because now you’re not in that same like repetitive movement pattern, the same rep ranges same. So essentially the same logical stimulus and stuff like that. How much of that? Do I really like? Okay, go into 10s. Now, if you go to three rep max, and that’s a D load, yes and no, like, yeah, yes. And not quite. So. Is there one programmed into like the old like Mel Sif research? I can’t recall one. It’s easy enough. It’s just like, I don’t rip out this week. Yeah, just just do the, you know, 1210 1010. And to be done, like, no rep out, just move it as fast as you can and feel good. And then put it away, like hit your hit your estimated 10 rep max for two sets of 10. It’s probably not your 10 rep max anymore.


Brett Scott  40:53

Yeah. Yeah, that’s basically what we did to was just like, hey, this week, go to 90%. Of what you’ve hit the highest number you hit the past three weeks? Yeah. Which is still what I do with a lot of my athletes too. Or, depending on the person, I’ll bring it down to 8085, sometimes two, depending on how hard they’ve been working over the past five, six weeks, whatever it might be.



Especially if like, again, you changing the stimulus up. Yeah, week three D load to like, 70%. And just feel all bar speed, right? All force velocity, which you don’t, sorry, Connor, you don’t need a tendo. for that. You can just eyeball that. You can see if something’s fast or not, and just say Hey, move it as fast as you can and just yell faster at it. They’ll do it.


Brett Scott  41:38

Yeah. I never did. You never stopped yelling faster.



No, no, of course not. Even if you did get faster, no faster, faster.


Brett Scott  41:48

My clients get pissed when I do that.



I should I need to come back up to Boston. Coach you I get in front of it. They love that they love seeing me yell at you, for whatever reason.


Brett Scott  42:01

Yeah. That’s like, look at him getting a taste of his own medicine.



We all do. Yeah. Oh, I get it. Now. My girlfriend man had gotten up trying to do some, some work on my back. And I was doing some some of these like accessory works for some low back stability. She’s like, Come on, get your butt up. Yo, no, no, I’m the coach.


Brett Scott  42:27

Yeah. So what else did I have here? I mean, that’s, those are the big things we have here. I mean, I think the last big thing is, whether we modify the system, whether we follow it to a tee, basically, what we need to do is just appreciate that we want to be near or in the right rep range for ranges of like, you know, a eight to 12 is probably going to give us elicit a hypertrophy response, a four to seven or eight is going to give us some type of like, general strength and functional strength type movement. And then when you’re in the threes, you know, if you’re getting one to five, or one to four, like, you’re gonna get absolute strength. And it’s just, and that’s my thing, too, is some people want these programs that are like, so well defined about, like, where they should be and exactly what percentage they need to hit that day. And it’s like, if you just slide around in this realm here, you’re gonna get better. That’s how I program a lot of my athletes. Now I’m like, hey, you know, four sets of five today between 55 and 65%. Next week, we’re gonna do triples in the 765 or 75, next week will be 70 to 80.



Yeah, yeah, we’ve done that, too. I’ve done that program. I picked that up a bit from whether we’re doing it with you, or did I pick it up from all the people I knew at LSU. But it was kind of that like, hey, just, I just want you to collect X amount of reps within this range here. And this is another way of doing that. Yeah, I love it.


Brett Scott  44:16

So that’s what that’s what we do a lot. And it’s just like, hey, if you feel good today, go up. If you have a shitty feeling day and you didn’t sleep, well, you had a lot of stress at work, whatever, stand the lower end of the column, but you’re still gonna get elicit the same effects in this intensity zone or in this rep range. So there’s no reason that we need to try to perfect everything because it’s just like, as you start to work and become a higher and higher level lifter and know yourself better. Like you start to realize all these little details are not nearly as important as just like showing up trying hard and actually doing the damn thing in some zone of like, you know, we have to modify all the time, but it’s okay.



Oh man, as opposed to like all the outside of training factors like, I those are the things I would chase first and foremost, rather than like, the program’s got to be perfect like finding like, no. Hey, did you sleep? Yeah, exactly. Did you drink more water? Did you sleep way? What’s your nutrition like all of those would have far more impactful, like, positive changes than the perfect program. And I think most coaches know that. And I think it’d be better if most athletes kind of got that, too, it’s hard to like to really understand that. But I think as athletes listen to more of this kind of content that would cut it like, hey, the training part, just get the rest show up, show up and do some work, get some work in, and then go home and sleep. If you’re that tired, you know, recovery pieces way, way.


Brett Scott  45:55

Speaking on that a little bit, too, as we were talking about, like the, the LSUs model is another one that I really like and still have kind of adapted from you and us, I’ve changed it a little bit of rep ranges, who I’m using it for why I’m using it, whatever, but it’s like, and even now, like I’m using it more, or having my coaching staff use this more with like the Gen pop people have kind of going off of the APR II thing of like, some people pushing themselves too hard five sets for or, for hard working sets might be too much for them, where what I’m liking to do now is let’s do one hard thing. One hard set, find that like 10, rep max, and then back off and do four or three really good sets. With good technique, good volume, now it feels lighter, because you’re lifted heavier, and you’re gonna be able to do more next week, probably.



That’s exactly what my friend James chasen at San Diego State University shout out to James chasam strength coach, great friend of mine. That’s exactly what he would do. That was his modification for aprt is that actually there, so they would warm up. And their first set was to repetition, failure, whatever, make the adjustment to their maximum, and then all of the percentages afterwards or off of the new max. So essentially, they would find their estimated three rep max for the day off of whatever, you know, rep out set, the first set was and then all the subsequent percentages were just off of the new Max, but they would be submaximal percentages, like even sets of three at 80% or 70% off of their just new estimated max for that day. So a great way of skinning it that worked for him and well, you guys get the same conclusion. Look at that. Yeah, I like that.


Brett Scott  47:45

So with that being said, so like if he worked to a five, like you say, Okay, five RM, let the kids go to seven, adjust that the estimated number, and then like your your 90% drop, or 10% Drop would be off of that new number.



Or even even more. So it would be, hey, we’ve whatever the estimate of five rep max, they get seven or eight reps, so they go up 10% The next body of work is like three by five at 77.5% of the new Max is still actually submaximal to the five rep max that’s still submaximal to that but you’ve you’ve made an adjustment so you’ve got the autoregulatory part you’ve moved up or down. We’ve had he we’ve talked about in the head, several athletes, especially pitchers and mid season that would come down and then do their, their working sets essentially. So you have like a test set and then working sets and the working sets would be off of the now lower max or new higher Max, but still all submaximal even for that rep range. Cool, which sounds like exactly what you had got it. Right with your gen pop people.


Brett Scott  49:01

Yeah, what do you know what like rep ranges he was working in and what he was doing there as far as those those drops and periodized



Oh, man probably have a program somewhere on my desktop somewhere. Now I’d have to go look Not off the top my head.


Brett Scott  49:17

I just like to see it to see what other people fit or how they’re notating it and prescribing it and everything else because so it’s just good, good to see what other people are doing with it and what’s working for them.



You know, that prompts me I need to reach out to and talk to him. We’ve just talked about kids mostly when we talk so it’d be good to talk about work. So I’ll hit him up and kind of see feel cough up some of that stuff. Yeah, sure.


Brett Scott  49:40

Not everyone loves to cough it up, but hopefully they do. It’s the secrets. Anything else you want to add about APRV?



Um, I think everyone should give it a shot. Give it a shot one time and I think definitely adjust it to Make It Fit. I think there’s value in doing it like the old Mel Sif Super Training way, which is like the, essentially only two working sets and like to warm up sets, two working sets only so that you get a good understanding, right? It’s kind of one of those, do it like that. Do the first time like that do one week of each, two weeks of each, something like that. and be done with it just to kind of get that feeling of what that is like. And then go ahead. Yeah. Skin it make it your own. You’re really grasp that concept, though. I feel like if you just do the old, original program, yeah. That’s probably it, man. That and we didn’t get into any of the nerd stuff. We wanted your listeners.


Brett Scott  50:49

What do you want to nerd out about? We can?



I don’t know. I don’t know. Yeah, what? What else? Do you guys? Are you guys doing their API? Sorry, you’re not doing any of like, Do you have any of your athletes like tracking anything other than like, session RPE? These are, how they felt for the day weak water consumption. Those are all factors that I would also like, consider part of like the holistic auto regulatory approach that I would sell an athlete if I was in that realm again.


Brett Scott  51:21

Yeah, you know, everyone’s kind of at different spots with training life busyness, like, it’s hard to get some people to even fill in their sheet on what they’re doing. Myself included. Sorry. Me too. Yeah. I’m just not writing it down. I haven’t. I have mental notes in here of what I do. But you know, fitness wearables fitness trackers can be huge for that stuff as far as if they just show me their data on like, where they’ve been at, if they’re sinking high or low. So as far as that goes, you know, I check in with most of my athletes if, if things are kind of outside the bandwidth of my normal expectation, like, Hey, what’s going on? As I go, you know, family member died super stressed at work, new position, someone’s moving, whatever else, it’s like, okay, like college sleeping, you know, things like that. So I check in with them on that, especially leading into a meet, I usually talk with my athletes, most of my the athletes, I personally coach have a pretty good understanding of like, what they need to do for that stuff. And they’re all well educated in that room. So I’m not super concerned about them. For our Gen pop people, we just started rolling out like a whole new accountability program. And, you know, regardless of programming, training, whatever. So this is kind of for our weight loss side of things we’re just doing. We have this new app called ever fit, where we just take take people in and essentially, we look at, okay, are they working out three to four days a week, for their goals. For at least, we try to get 45 minutes of resistance training, 15 minutes of cardio and, or some type of like metabolic conditioning work. And then they have an app, we check in with them every day, which asked them to track their water, their food, their steps, and their sleep. And so they have a self report there, they fill out. And we basically look at how to so many people these days aren’t anywhere near optimal, or even good with some of these things. So we’re really working with them. And the great thing is, when you have someone that comes from such a low place, it’s easy to have them see success when you can just change a few of these small little factors that could make just such a huge change in their quality of life. So it doesn’t have to be rocket science. No, ever. The problem is like everyone has different apps that don’t integrate or anything. So yeah, that problem there’s like, I’m on an Apple watch someone’s three people got a whoop. Two people got an aura ring, someone’s got a Fitbit. I just there’s too many of them to keep track of and like to know how to read the data and everything and know what I’m looking at. It’s just it’s a little crazy. So



yeah, I mean, I guess like that they all like compute it their own way. But things like to look at across those boards would just have been the first number that always jumps out to me as HRV or SSD. Like those. Look, essentially the measure of quality of sleep. But yeah, I’m with you. It doesn’t doesn’t have to be rocket science. It could be really subjective, like just keeping track of how long did you sleep and How good did you feel on a scale of one to five? Like, it doesn’t have to be rocket science, especially like Gen pop, right? Like even in like pro athletes. I think you’re getting a lot of pushback from a lot of the wearables now. Right? There was this big boom and wearables everyone whereas I mean, I am wearable free even though like that’s all my job is really down and yeah, subjective scores and RMSs Do your HRV I remember the old HRV like app, I think it’s still there. I haven’t used it in a while, but you could just like, Put your finger over the camera, and it would like give you like, whatever reading, even if it wasn’t super accurate. I think it’s more of like, something simple and consistent that you can then see and kind of look at like, oh, yeah, in conjunction with my API retraining. Hey, when I spent all weekend drinking, I’m not able to get past 10 reps in this 10 rep max space. Right. So stuff like that sometimes can be a little enlightening of yourself to be Oh, hey, yeah. To mix for.


Brett Scott  55:40

There definitely has something to do with I know, some, like sports teams and collegiate teams is bad have banned like fitness wearables too, because it just can get in the athletes head of like, Oh, I’m in the back of them on a whoop. And I’m like at 50% It’s ago. So yellow day, gotta go slow. Gonna run through the motions. I don’t want to. I don’t want to push too hard because I want to get to the green. It’s like they’re gamifying recovery. Yep. Not actually putting the work in to become a better athlete. Because you have to, it’s okay to be in the yellow.



There’s also I’ve seen now the inverse of that in the tactical space. Okay, does war stop just because I’m in the yellow or red? No. So, right, there’s this kind of like, constant. Okay, yeah, we’re redlining and stuff like that. But also like, what the mission still needs to go on, kind of concept there. So it’s, it’s, it’s, I feel like it’s even a more delicate balance in the technical space, where they may not want to wear wearable because they don’t want it to report their, like, poor performance status, or something like that, where they’re poor health status, because they want to continue to be mission ready, they want to be able to rock and roll. So they’re like, I’m not gonna wear the ring, which could be the same in like, the pro sports space do it’s not that it’s getting in their head is just like, well, I don’t really care. What what is this really going to do for me, I still got to go workout today, I still got to run seven miles, I still got to rock like, so you’re kind of trying to give them insights into themselves? And like, Okay, here’s some things that you could do to mitigate this in the future or to make yourself recover better. But again, yeah, they’re still gonna go. Yeah,


Brett Scott  57:27

there’s, I think there too, with the wearables, there’s a lot of like, over reporting and accuracy on some different things that just doesn’t make it super accurate for everyone. But like, at the end of the day, it’s just follow the big trends was, we’re not all going to have perfect days, all time. Like, if you’re trying to get better, you need to break yourself down a little bit, and then build back up. So that’s, that’s, that’s the easiest part of it is just keep it simple. Don’t make it too complicated with all the data and everything. Like, I know, for me for a little bit, I was like, just super stressed with work and everything else. And like, I wasn’t sleeping well. And I was in the yellow for most of my time. And it was like, okay, like, this is fine. Like, I don’t expect to be, you know, peaking or maxing out right now we’re seeing huge progress, but it was also like, I probably could have pushed myself a little bit harder. But it was like, Yeah, you know, don’t try too hard. Because you’re in the yellow. Yeah. Like to where you’re like retired from, you know, any competitive type sports. It’s just you and yourself and weightlifting, were like, I wasn’t in a competitive phase. It just those things make a difference to depending on the person.



But yeah, that’s true.


Brett Scott  58:36

So any other nerd nerd science data stuff for us?



Um, yeah, don’t waste your money, not just don’t waste your money on wearables. Now. I think that there’s yeah, there’s some, there’s some value in them. But I don’t wear one. And I feel like my health is fairly good. I’m fairly on top of it. It’s more of just a way to provide insights into people. So if you’re like, not sure what’s going on, and you like that stuff? I mean, I love the data. Don’t get me wrong. Like, it’s so much fun, more of like, collecting it and answering it. Answering questions from it. So much my own, like you said, so much data, so much input, there’s like, information overload as opposed to just how do you feel? Yeah, I think it’s kind of it’s a lot, keeping it simple. There’s a lot to be said for that. And I find that as I get older and do more of this, the simpler I want to make things like no, no. Simple, simple, simpler, more simple.


Brett Scott  59:38

Yep. And that’s part of coaching, too. It’s like there’s just so much we can look at track, whatever and it’s really comes down to like, I want to make sure I’m communicating with my athletes regularly on how they feel what’s going on in their life, whatever, how that could be affecting their performance. Okay. You know, sometimes the girls will get down on themselves and like having an emotional breakdown once in a while in the gym. cuz they missed a PR or whatever, it’s okay. Did you just tell me like XYZ happened and all this like, and you weren’t sleeping in, you know, getting good nutrition and you had like a work event all weekend, like, come on, like we know, I don’t expect you to PR today, just because it was program that we forecasted, like it was bad timing, like, should have told me the stuff beforehand and we would have changed, like where that drop was. But yeah, that’s just kind of the simple part of program for me. It’s just Yeah, it’s communication with those people with like, what’s going on versus trying to look at HRV data over time with load increment changes and everything else. So



it’s, yeah, not not for the normal person to see. But as a coach, I do like to like, look across that stuff and go, Okay, that guy you’re seeing like the, the group. It’s never really, I’ve never really felt like it was really important for like the athlete to see the individual stuff because it gets lost in the sauce, they got some of the other things they need to do. Yeah, unless they’re really into it, then that’s vastly different. You know, if that’s if there’s someone that responds off of like, that stuff, that’s different. I think that’s about it, though.


Brett Scott  1:01:13

Yeah, I will say where I do like fitness wearables more is in the rehab space. So if someone has a fitness tracker, especially if they have a lower extremity injury, looking at step count is huge. It’s just another way to measure volume. You know, especially like plantar fasciitis, I had one today we’re talking Chicago, my foot hurts, like worse than it did last week. I was like, Okay, well, what changes do we have from last week to this week? She’s like, Well, I went to like New York City. And it’s like, okay, so let’s look at she had an aura ring, actually. And I was like, let’s look at the data. And it was, on a day to day basis, she was walking 4000 steps a day, going on that trip, she was walking an average of 13,000 for four days. You’re more than tripled your volume. Like, we know, that’s gonna that we know that’s going to hurt you. And so that’s a way we can do that. And also just the getting someone’s hurt, they’re not working out, they’re kind of someone that does work out regulates, like their whole world is messed up. So they might not be sleeping as well, just because maybe they’re not managing, like daily stressors and anxieties the same way they could before they don’t have that option. So sleep will be messed up, we have to re optimize that. Looking at HRV data, all that stuff to just see like, how hard is this person straining themselves with their workouts and everything else? Is it too much? Are they too far in in the yellow or the red, we need to get them up to the green. So there’s more details that we can work with. When someone isn’t performing actually in my mind’s of like, how do we get them to the green versus someone’s regularly working out straining interests like, Okay, we expect these changes where I’m trying to get someone in rehab to just go on a it’s not always linear, but we were trying to go on a linear upward scale versus so it’s easy to take those changes and make something happen from it.



Yeah, yep. Yeah, I would agree that that is where I have also seen data collection be the most useful, like this health, like wearable stuff, whether it be step counter, the vast majority of other stuff. Yeah, when you’re trying to get this person back to, you know, game ready or whatever, like back to 100%. That is a much better use of that stuff. For sure. And, or, in my mind, from a performance standpoint, peaking that’s when it’s time to like really dive into that stuff, but the middle of it when you’re expecting them to be all jacked up, you know, like, neurologically, physically, possibly emotionally? I’m not really,


Brett Scott  1:03:46

yeah, that’s just one more thing that that’s gonna make them feel shitty about. It’s like, No, I think it was Cal Dietz that said, too, if you do your peak properly, then you should be on the verge of getting sick. By the end of it.



When really, yeah. Why is that?


Brett Scott  1:04:09

Just like you’re taxing yourself as much as you can where your immune become like, not immune compromised, but your immune system becomes a little bit suppressed, because you’re just you’re taxing your body, just to the point where like, you might get a little head cold or whatever. And then so that’s when your taper should should start to get into your super compensation and yeah, so So then on Meet day, you’re ready to go. But it’s like, there’s Yeah, that’s the thing is part of the time. It’s like, Hey, we’re in a volume phase. I don’t want you in the green. I want you in the yellow. Yeah, sometimes after lifting all week and then like a heavy Saturday, like maybe the red isn’t bad.



That’s like, no, Yep, that was planned us. You should be so in almost in a sense of like, Hey, you’re in Greenstone


Brett Scott  1:05:00




What’s going on? Yeah, so definitely I, I’m with you there. I think that’s the most useful kind of in these rehab settings bringing them back to like full health.


Brett Scott  1:05:16

Yeah, it just talking shop with trending a little bit there too. It’s like I love seeing new athletes especially, are watching my like veteran lifters versus some of the newer people that have like prepping for their first meet. And you know, everything will go great all meat. And then after their last heavy day, like that week leading into the meat. It’s like, oh my god, I couldn’t hit my opener. I couldn’t hit 80% Like, I had a tough time with 70% It’s like, Yeah, I know. I’ve done it to like, the day before one of my mates I missed 70% like, twice. I was like, well sucks. But yeah, the midday I was like, I don’t know if I can snatch, but I hope I get like, I remember laying in bed being like, I hope I remember how to snatch tomorrow. I don’t know if I know.



And then I was fine.


Brett Scott  1:06:07

That day, and it’s like, oh, that’s super compensation. So it’s just like, these are things that should and we expect to happen as coaches. And people just need to kind of see that and, and experience it. Especially ethic of like, look, this is what’s gonna happen. We’re gonna take the volume away. It’s gonna come back and it’s like, oh, wow, look at that. Yep, exactly. So yeah, fitness wearables. Not. Not the best, especially for strength sports, maybe more cardiac type, you know, runners, endurance athletes,



the wearables only, only for the stuff outside of the weight room. Yeah, stuff inside the weight room, like the wearable is because I’m keeping track of so many other APRV. Like, that’s what I’m using. That’s what I’m monitoring. So I don’t need you to wear anything. Like,


Brett Scott  1:06:54

that’s what we’re doing. And by the way, it is an objective measure itself.



Yeah. Yeah. So it’s more of like, hey, I want this wearable for you to help. Moderate yourself when I’m not around.


Brett Scott  1:07:08

Yep. Yeah. Exactly. And, or



bringing it back to rehab. And like, same kind of concept, though. This is for you. To not be silly. When I’m not with you.


Brett Scott  1:07:21

It’s like, it’s an invisible leash.



Yeah. I mean, hey, that’s why I would take if I was an athlete, I’m not gonna lie. I wouldn’t be taking mine off on the weekend. I was a college kid. Yeah, I’ll admit, I really like Austin, put it back on.


Brett Scott  1:07:41

Alright, so I think that’s kind of the end of what we have for training stuff. But you want to talk about some business stuff, too.



So yeah, so me and Beth Beth Annesley. Move better with Beth. I’ll plug it for. Oh, wow. Yeah, come on. I’m a pretty good boyfriend if I’m doing that. Um, so she started her own practice, she had left a practice went out on her own is trying to do that game. And this is like year one. It’s actually been fun to kind of watch her. Just like watch it new to like, I’m not a physical therapist. Nor do I have any desire to run a business at the moment. I don’t know. She’s kind of talking me into it. But it’s fun watching you guys do it as it’s been really cool. So our goal, I think, was what I’ve tried to convince her of is once we can get into a like, place with a garage and running part of her practice out of garage, and then she does a bit of like concierge work. How do you or have you talked to like some physical therapists lately that are doing their own thing, either mobile PT, or some like hybrid between like mobile concierge PT and like, brick and mortar. What’s what’s it like out there on the East Coast since we’re out here in Seattle?


Brett Scott  1:08:57

So actually, I was just on a podcast last week with Dave Kittel. The Dave Kittel show. He he Yeah, he was one of my mentors. When I first started, he has a concierge pain relief. I think his company is actually called concierge pain relief. And he’s a physical therapist. So he’s in like Manhattan, downtown area, whatever and they go to business executives, that’s kind of their target market is like business executives and go give them pain relief at their place of work or poem. Whatever. Mobile pte is kind of like still the up and coming thing that it’s I sound old when I say this because it’s been five years now that I’ve been in the game, which isn’t still isn’t that long in the grand scheme of things, cuz now I’m talking about talking with people that are like, talking in decades of But watch what happens in a decade or wait 10 years it’s like, as like, it’s, it’s only been half of a decade. So, five. But yeah, the mobile thing has been a way for people to, I think mitigate risk of. And this was kind of something I ran into and you saw me experience, it’s been done nothing against anyone there. I had a great time. It was a great learning experience and a great way for me to push myself in the future. But when you’re not in ownership of your own space, like you don’t I don’t know how the gyms doing. You know, gyms typically is where most people will start and sublease space. But then it becomes this whole thing of like, oh, yeah, by the way, we’re closing down shop tomorrow. You know, you’re gonna pack your things, find a new space. And so I’ve had friends that have been gym, to gym to gym, and just whether the gyms are shutting down, they’re not financially sound, they don’t get along with the owner, there’s kind of this this issue where sometimes there’s like a jealousy thing of like, Hey, I’m paying all this overhead for the gym and I have to manage all these members and this one guys in the closet here making more money than me. And or they just want crazy, absurd rent, when. So I think the mobile PT thing is good, have it’s truly you on your own. And it’s just you having to rely on yourself, and a mode of transportation to do what you want to do. You know, I think it’s perfect sound, the only thing is like, you will reach a limit of you can only drive to so many people’s houses in a day. Right? And then you get into traffic and scheduling issues. Because you get stuck in traffic, maybe. What have you so, but I mean, you can always charge more to so so that’s another piece there.



I feel like I feel like I’m always telling her like you can charge charge more, charge more. raise your prices? Definitely I think we’re getting she’s getting to that point now where her schedule is almost to the again, you could talk to her maybe you should ever on the podcast. I hate speaking for but she I think she’s gonna get to that point where Yeah, her she’s booked out far enough. That Okay, now it’s time. Like she’s really on the cusp of it. Now it’s time to raise them again, like raise them again, until you see that diminishing returns like every, every two quarters, or whatever that would be. She did it. She just recently did it. And it was like, I remember her being kind of nervous about not losing a single client to do it as I see. So not only you were you raise it expecting to see some loss in the number of clients who saw week, but still make more. That didn’t happen at all, like we kept all of them all at the new rate. Looking at safe,


Brett Scott  1:12:53

you get busier when you raise your rate, you get more exclusive, more people want to work with you. Like if you go to Amazon, and you look at two similar products, and it’s like, well, this is what I want, or this is what I would came here looking for. But then I found this one that it’s more expensive. But it has all these options. And it has really good reviews too and has more reviews than this one. Like which one are you going to choose? Yeah, that’s all it is.



I feel like we’ve talked about this a lot. Like when and how to raise your prices? I feel like we’ve talked about that numerous times that our relationship there.


Brett Scott  1:13:32

Yeah. So there’s that. And then it’s also, when you raise your rates, I think part of it is people, people are more bought in, they’re more willing to accept what you have to say, because you are charging boards, like, okay, this person is an authority in the field. They’re an expert, they’ve clearly gotten other people better. You can’t. And part of it too, is you can’t just go out and start charging an astronomical amount of money. You have to have some track record there to get you to that point. Yeah, yeah, for the most part, well, maybe not. We see that in the like fitness influencer community now. But to run a legitimate long term successful business, you have to start somewhere low and build yourself up like you got there somehow. So if you are busy, and you’re seeing all these people or you want to exclusively capital at a certain number, then yeah, I think raising rates is a smart thing to do. Yes, it depends on how many people you want to see in a week. Right? What type of demographic Are you trying to serve? And where are those people at financially? And, you know, how does this make sense from a margins perspective to to raise your rates? Like do you need to, do you want to do you have to, should you do you want more volume right now you want to help more people? Because when we raise our rates, it’s like okay, well We’re narrowing ourselves down like we used to when I was really unfairly cheap for myself, kind of downgrading myself. Like, my goal wasn’t to make a lot of money. It was to just like, get out there and be well known by everyone in the powerlifting and weightlifting community. And I did a good job of that. I think. I’m sorry. So and thank you. And as we raised them know, right, because now we’re in a space where we have two locations, we have like $50,000 of expenses every month. There’s more cost to every time you build your business up, it gets more and more complicated, more expensive. So the bigger a business gets, the less margin you’ll have of your profit. Right. So yeah, when you’re new, you can take home like 70% of your earnings, because you’re not spending a lot on marketing. There’s not a lot to spend money on because like you don’t have a lot coming in anyways. But then it’s like, okay, well, now I have 10 people to feed. So I have to make sure I’m doing marketing and putting money into that because I need to make sure we’re putting food on everyone’s table and keeping everyone happy. I also need to make sure that everything we’re doing is repeatable, right, so this month, we saw this, like we should at least see this next month. How do I make that happen? Well, I have to spend on marketing. Now we have to also look at, like operation side of like Anthony’s job basically was like to find problems in the business and present them to me. And then we figure out how we’re going to problem solve them going forward. So that cost money, right? And then and then you get busy doing the marketing stuff. And then you start to see patients and then you stop doing marketing. You’re like, oh shit, I need to do more marketing. Where’d all my patients go? It’s like, Well, you were busy. So you stopped doing the marketing. Now you don’t have any pitch because you weren’t marketing. I was like, Okay, now I need to bring a marketing assistant. And so like this year, we brought all this in. And that’s been huge for us. But then it’s just yeah. And then and then you bring another PT on, and they’re really expensive.



And so So why did you make the decision? So Elise is at least right? Did I get that? Right? Alyssa? Alyssa? Alyssa? She full time? Yeah. Yeah. So what did you look at outsourcing it part time and or on like a project by project basis or like outsourcing it to, you know, wherever, like digitally marketing or versus hiring someone internally into the business? And seems like you did that for a variety of positions that possibly could have been outsourced versus hiring someone then just kind of curious as to why.


Brett Scott  1:17:41

Yeah, I mean, so we still outsource. So all our digital advertising is outsourced. Like, okay, Google ads is such a hard thing to understand. And the algorithms are always changing. The keywords are always changing search volumes, and like spending habits are always changing. So yeah, that’s not our field. And I don’t like that someone’s full time job that they should be committed to. So I think most people in the PT fields are outsourcing their digital marketing strategies, because Facebook’s always changing everything else. So we’ve kind of always outsourced that. But the thing people forget to what we’re getting into business people think marketing is just about like getting new people to know about you. But it’s not. It’s there’s an internal side to that, too. Yeah, yeah. So marketing is also just building relationships with the people that are already in your business, like the biggest asset you have, as a business is the email list you have that you can communicate with people on. So we put a ton of time into not only digital marketing and spending money on Google, Facebook, YouTube, we’re trying to get started putting time into like social media content doing this. So like Alyssa takes care of like all the backend of this stuff. She’ll put together the podcast, she puts it on YouTube, she puts a transcription together that goes on the website, all those things, but then there’s the whole internal side too. So like email marketing is huge for us. Like that’s helped us a ton of just being able to communicate with members and it takes a while but after a while people start to expect your emails. So all the email funnels we have we’ve set up so that’s been a huge internal piece. And then like on the gym side, especially to communicating a lot with members on like, weekly changes, daily changes, updates, things going on offense we’re doing promos. Those are all things that that elicit does as well as the whole networking piece so that was part of my goals. Like I had so many ideas up here but like me and Anthony it was when it was me Anthony and just Connor even like we couldn’t get any of that stuff down. There just weren’t enough hours in the day. So like, I go to Alyssa throw a bunch of ideas at her. Tell her to write them down. and start to figure him out. And then I come back the next day. And she’s got something figured out with a million questions about it, which is what I want. Like, that’s my point of doing it. But a lot of that is like networking now, too. So now that we’re a local gym, and a small community, I’m trying to build relationships with anyone that thinks and affiliation would help, both of us. So how do we both win at that? Right? So I’m trying to put things together shoe stores, surgeons, you know, doing the podcast finding guests on the podcast that will help us from a search engine optimization standpoint, which it does, things like that. So there’s a lot to marketing. And then one of the things biggest changes we saw was checking in with people. So you see a patient for a while they’re done. Sometimes they’ll call you back six months later, they go, Hey, I had a good experience I this thing change, but really like if you’re in their email inbox, or texting them once in a while, right, and you’re just like, it’s just like a hey, how’s how’s it going? How’s your ankle, then? It’s like, oh, my ankle is great. But I actually, I’ve been meaning to call you I messed up my low back. I should probably come in for a visit. It’s like, okay. Yeah. So that’s, that’s where a lot of that stuff has come into play of like just continually building the relationships within the people that already exist within our business walls.



And Alyssa is doing a bit of that. I’m assuming of like, yeah, again, finding the people that Yep. Hey, it’s been a while since we’ve contacted them. Here’s a reaching out to them saying let’s check in. Yeah. Cool.


Brett Scott  1:21:35

So that’s where that stuff goes. But yeah, I mean, there’s just a ton of like, so back to mobile PT. I think it’s a great way to start. If I had to do anything again, though, I would go back to not as big of a space. If I didn’t want to do the gym side, which I love the gym side. It’s, it’s super cool to like, come into my own place that I own. And like see other members, making friends helping each other out. Like, that stuff just warms my heart to see. Yeah, yeah. And then it sure isn’t like you, you kind of built this, like, I didn’t build it alone. But in a day, like I’m the leader of the ship, so that’s really cool for me, and rewarding to me, like I’ve, I’ve never had a day where I was like, oh my god, I can’t go to work there. I’m dreading going to work just like not go to work today. Even like, on my birthday, I had nothing to do, I was gonna sit home. And then I was like, I was bored here. And I was like, I’m gonna go to work today. I just went to work on my birthday hung up, like, just probably annoyed the rest of my staff, but I was there.



I think that’s a good sign, though. I think probably people hear that and be like, a workaholic. But if you actually like what you do, yeah. And you enjoy your own business. It’s not. Yeah, it’s not a burden to work on. I mean, of the things that are in my fire right now. Yeah, there’s definitely one that is the one that’s actually getting me going. Yeah. And the rest of them are just like, in the way.


Brett Scott  1:23:02

Yeah, so I think if, if I wanted to keep things simpler, granted, I didn’t. If I was to do things, again, but wanted, what some people probably want is a little simpler than what I want in life. I would find like a commercial office space, or, you know, some type of spaces like on my own, where people can come, it’s maybe, you know, 300 square feet, kind of like the two office spaces I had inside a spindle, where you have enough room to teach someone some new movements, you have a room for massage, and everything else, maybe a little office space inside of that for like an office manager or whatever. Like, that’s all you need in the space. And that we’re there, you’re not worried about your car, everyone knows where you are, you actually have an actual location, you can market that location, what you do, whatever. And I don’t know, I feel like brick and mortar is a little bit more sustainable than just driving yourself around in a van. Because then like, at least from my standpoint, too, it’s like I would be annoyed at wasting my time driving to people where if you’re in an office space, you can see somewhat back to back the back. You know how many hours I used to work. It was like, I could see 10 people a day sometimes. I was a psychopath.



Yeah, that’s, I think that’s that would be the first thing that Beth would tell you. She was done doing that. And I think that was like her big reasoning for moving into which I heard that encourage her like, Okay, well, like keep going down that road that of exclusivity. Like if you only want to see 20 patients a week. You’re gonna have to do either more of the coaching part, the gym part or more of the concierge. All of it has to get like risen up though because you’re always gonna see 20 people.


Brett Scott  1:24:53

So yeah, so and but then if you if you own a space too, you can have someone else working in your space.



Gotta pay him. And then he got to do. Yeah, I like the, if I were to do it again, do it the gym space again, I liked what the 24 hour access, like free space for use gym, you get there, because I don’t want to like Coach as much or hey, if Beth is going to put all of her like, Hey, you are now out of rehab clients, and they’re just doing like general strength training. I was I the one part I hated the most was, at least from the personal training, business aspect of was the hustling of clients, like, try to do it in the middle of their like treadmill exercise or something like that. So doing it again, with someone who actually like, would do it for me. Cool, you’re gonna put the client in front of me money, I will manage all the space, your calendar, all that jazz. I just don’t want it. I just don’t want to have to go get the client. That was always my like, worst part. That’s probably why you are where you are. And I am where I am.


Brett Scott  1:26:08

Yeah, but I never had to work at like a Globo gym where I was like, Hey, see that guy on the treadmill? Go talk to him and try to reel him in for personal training. It’s like, that’s the difference. And that’s kind of the difference too. Like, if you want to mix this with businesses like Facebook and Google ads, of like Google ads are such a higher retention or retention, conversion rate, because people are actually going to Google searching for it. So like I spent $1,000 on Facebook ads $1,000 on Google ads, Google is gonna win most of the time because people are searching for it. And like, if you have do a good job with search engine optimization, and your Google reviews, everything else like that will definitely help get you found. But people are on Facebook, they’re looking for what their uncle Bob did this weekend or whatever. And it’s like, oh, this thing for barbell therapy pops up. It’s like, what is his ago? Yeah, I’ll fill out a form but doesn’t mean I’m actually shopping for that right now.



As opposed to the I was someone searching for it. So


Brett Scott  1:27:06

like, with with our gym, like we’re not going out cold calling people to become members. Right? We’re letting them come to



us. There’s no way you could do that


Brett Scott  1:27:16

right now. So it’s just yeah, it’s a different setting that way. But that makes it because



it’s also a long time. Okay. Yeah, listeners. My experience of owning the gym was starting a CrossFit gym in Hawaii, back in 2010. So things are way different now in the year 2023. I think in running the fitness gym or owning a gym, how old are you? 35. I’ll be 36 this year, in July.


Brett Scott  1:27:46

Oh, damn. Okay. I graduated high school in 2010.



Yeah, I was just getting out of the army that Yeah. I mean, that wasn’t far from high school, either. So maybe four or five years out of high school for me. So yeah, yeah. Yeah, it was running a gym in Hawaii. I mean, there’s a ton of factors into that, too. But


Brett Scott  1:28:09

it’s a hard space. That’s



harder than I thought it would be. I mean, yeah, I did. And one person told me, it might be difficult because it’s Hawaii, it’s outdoors, great weather all the time. A lot of people are already fit doing other things. I would definitely do it differently. I think everyone would say that second time around, he would do a ton of stuff differently. Yeah, location would be different. For sure. I think that’s, that plays a huge role in and obviously in a gym space. And I definitely would do 24/7 type of gym and not not a CrossFit gym. Yeah, I personally don’t want to chase group classes. If I have some personal trainer that comes in at once a few that. By all means we’ll figure out an appropriate price structure that benefits both of us and go from there. But I personally am not trying to chase the CrossFit class dream.


Brett Scott  1:29:08

Not for me. Yeah. Different models for different things. Like I really love the model we have now.



What is yeah, a finger swipe? Like, because I’m assuming you do have people that do do 24/7 access, but maybe not. Yeah, so is your guys’s model now.


Brett Scott  1:29:22

So basically, everyone comes in as a member. They’re gonna go through a fitness concept with the coach or PT. And we set them up with an individualized program based on their goals, needs, wants, limitations, injury history, movement patterns, whatever. And they got 24/7 access to the gym. They’ve got their own program that we update every month in progress. And we have a coach on on the floor from like six to noon, and then three to seven every day. So they pay a fraction of the cost of personal training. They get individualized attention or not attention individualized approaches to training. And a lot of times it’s there’s maybe four or five people on the floor at once. So they get that like small group feel of working out with others being in like a social setting, what have you, but everyone’s working on their own thing. But you know, the coaches on the forum, hey, you know, you need to go up and what you need to go down, hey, you need to stop doing that or keep your back straight. Or, here’s how you do this new exercise, and demo it, show them how to do it, etc, etc. So we work from that standpoint, and then it makes it to like personal training was like, I’ve always viewed first trans like life is on a silver platter, like I’m handing you the dumbbells, I’m taking the dumbbells back from you. Like, here, it’s coaching. It’s like showing someone how to be self sustainable, and self reliant, to use the gym. But then that gives us a chance as coaches to talk about when they’re on the floor. Hey, how’s your nutrition this week? Hey, how you been sleeping, had noticed this, what’s going on with that? You know, so it’s coaching, not just, you know, reps and sets, but like overall lifestyle and wellness factors as well. So that’s how our model is a bit unique. And then if people want to do personal training stuff, they can do that on the side, too. But the bread and butter is our semi private, is the



semi private and that doesn’t include any sort of physical therapy sessions at all right? No, it’s not that separate. Charlie, separate. ARCA? Do you have any on? Yeah. And then your Do you have any, like online only or virtual clients? And how is that space? Or what are your thoughts on the virtual sessions? Have you done that? Have you talked to PTS that do that? And where do you find success there?


Brett Scott  1:31:45

For for training, we have plenty of people that are remote. So you know, I I’m personally capped out with remote. Currently, I don’t really want to take on anyone else. What I do have is a lot of hybrid people. So we’ve actually gotten a lot of people on our weightlifting team that don’t live around here. So one of my guys is from Rhode Island, once from like, right outside Franklin mass, which was about 45 minutes away with some people that come down from the Manchester, New Hampshire, all around. So typically, the only day I really see most of my athletes is on a Saturday, which is fine. That works for me, they, they send me their videos through the week. And these guys get enough from me of like, the upfront stuff of like, Hey, this is what we’re trying to do. These are your kind of habits and behaviors, we want to change this, what we’re gonna do is we’re going to fucking just nail down throughout the week with different exercise selection, different intentions, different cues. And so when they get here on Saturday, it’s like, okay, like, yeah, you know, I told you this this week, like, keep doing that. And that looks really good, whatever. And that’s just building like the people that are with me, at this point, understand, it’s a slow process. It doesn’t have to be overcomplicated. And like, it really is just one of those, especially with weightlifting. Like, it takes fucking time. That’s not going to happen overnight. And they all come to see that respect it. And I think, you know, that’s why they have a good rapport with me is like, they don’t get too much into those little details that don’t matter so much as just like, Hey, you don’t you don’t see this as as an issue. And, or they’re seeing something that they think and it’s like, no, that’s not the problem. Right? Like I had someone I had someone that started with me remotely. And then they got upset that I didn’t give them enough feedback one week, because what I said was, hey, that’s way better than last week. Keep that up, keep doing that. And they were like, they were mad that I didn’t give them more. So well. You didn’t need more. You did what I told you to last week and you executed a beautiful beautifully. So good quiet. So So keep doing that. And so they quit because I didn’t give them like, you know a video analysis feedback thing that week. That’s like, Well, you got better. Yeah. So you know, for me, it’s just kind of like well, you know, if you want that that’s fine. Like I just I don’t have the bandwidth to do that anymore with where I’m at with the ball the things are doing Yeah, but And so not everyone needs that stuff. Some people do better when I’m like, go out and fly and figure it out and stop standing here waiting for me to validate every move you make. Yeah, the peacock Yeah, we’re gonna fly so the remote space though we do have plenty of people that do it.



Do you have any virtual everyday Have you ever Got a virtual PT session, which isn’t really a PT site, it is still training, there is no way to do like a pretty you could do like an assessment virtually, possibly. But


Brett Scott  1:35:08

yeah, I’ve treated some people remotely. Um, I love manual therapy. So I don’t love it, it definitely is harder. It has its restraints. There’s still plenty of people. We’ve gotten better though. Like I had a guy who’s actually out in Seattle, that does telehealth with us that it’s actually been with me for like a year now. But it was like we started with some, some rehab stuff. And then it was like, hey, and this is where everyone goes to. It’s like, you don’t need manual, there’s other things we can do in place of it. So literally get on the camera, I’m doing it kind of showing him how to do it, what he wants to feel where he wants to feel it, I record the thing, send him all the exercises. And then from there. It’s okay, we need to like start training just better now. Better than you were before. So he went from like, we did like four sessions together a PT to He’s been training with us for like two years now. So so it works. It’s just the amount of I think people don’t realize how much time it takes to do remote. Like if I charge you the same amount to come into my gym four times a week, when I’m already there. I can coach for other people at the same time. That saves me so much more time than me, working all day, seeing those four people treating patients all day running a business. And then at 830 at night. I sit down after dinner and I’m like, oh, yeah, I forgot to you get to you get to you. Yeah. And then and then write the program on top of it. It’s just It’s time consuming to do remote stuff. So I think it’d be good if especially



depending on what platform you’re using to disseminate that information to.


Brett Scott  1:36:49

Yeah, I mean, we’ve tried true coach, I still love Google Sheets.



It’s bad. It’s hard to beat Excel. You know,


Brett Scott  1:36:58

it’s easy to write a pro, especially when you’re trying to pair it as like, if I’m on. If I’m on Excel, I can just look week by week. It’s like, Oh, I did four sets here. I wonder five that’s next week, I want to bump the intensity on week three, I’m gonna drop them week four. When you get into like some of these true coach or train heroic platforms. It’s hard to see what you did last week. It’s like, I don’t know, I’m just gonna write this in sync. And or just like the whole editing. It’s clunky.



Yeah, yeah. So I do it on that seed one that has been good.


Brett Scott  1:37:29

I do it there. And then we have coach now. Which my athletes if I tell them to like so most of them will send me their videos on Facebook now. Just because everything else like I have 105 unread text messages on my phone. Oh, no. 107 Oh my god. So we’re busy man. So I’m like, Look, shoot me a message on Facebook or don’t get lost. So they message me there. That’s what I was like, hey, upload this to coach. Now I want to, I want to give you feedback on this one. Like, I’ll go into there. And same thing as coaches. I’m just like, hey, you’re doing this. This is what I want to see instead. So



and then are you using something different to? I’m assuming you’re using not true coach to run charges and stuff like that. So what were you using to like kind of charge for these programs, especially for your remote clients? Like, what are you using just like a general billing service?


Brett Scott  1:38:32

Do you have to So mind body does the gym. Okay. We use the Jain app for our PT stuff, which I love. It’s called the Jain app.



Okay. Yeah.


Brett Scott  1:38:46

Super simple, super streamlined. You can do a lot with it. They’re Canadian, and their customer service is great. noted, I just learned about two sheets of lamb’s tail was the other day.



Really, you’ve never heard the two shakes of a lamb’s tail now. That’s because you’re young.


Brett Scott  1:39:05

Yeah. But the Canadian stopped me. So that’s good. Yeah. So that’s what we use. I like it. We switched to that about six months ago. And a plus a plus noted. So anything else?



I think that’s a that’s one of the other concerns that me and Beth keep going back and forth about is like, true coach, not fun to write programs in. And like just going with it was like, Yeah, you need some like you need to have it would make things so much faster if you could just have these basic templates already done. But that in those apps, like it takes time, that you have to set a set aside right to do all that, or she can hire me to do that. But yeah, my hourly rate is kind of a lot. So


Brett Scott  1:39:55

yeah, we just we did, we did the we tried true. No, I’ve tried that I’ve tried trainer relic. Both are great apps. Like, I’ve used them to like the kid that’s coaching me now. All my programming through there. So I love the user side of the app of like, it gives you rest timers, everything else. And like, if you don’t know what the exercises are like, it usually throws like the YouTube video in. But for us, we just try to keep it simple enough where like, Excel is just way easier to use and way more time effective. And if I need to, I can I can throw a YouTube video in there. That’s not that hard. Right? So yeah, we keep it simple.



Unless unless you want it to be your own branded YouTube video. That’s like, step number two, for getting


Brett Scott  1:40:42

there. Yeah, some point. So



that’s, again, lots of time that you’d have to set aside to film and all that jazz. Yeah.


Brett Scott  1:40:54

Yep. But anything else, my friend?



No, I think an hour and 40 minutes is pretty good for us.


Brett Scott  1:41:00

Yeah, this is good. So if anyone is still listening, thank you. There might be a couple of people. But anyways, yeah, so this is my, this is all coach Rick. And where can people find you?



Where can they find me? You can find me on LinkedIn. Richard Meldrum that’s kind of the space I’m at right now. I do a lot of like sports science, human performance data analytics. So that’s kind of a thing. You can also Beth will love this move better with Beth Beth. Anjali DPT. That is who I help now and will probably coach for her.


Brett Scott  1:41:45

Say that so? reluctantly.



I probably just because I haven’t, I haven’t coached like seriously coached in a while. I’m sure once I do it again. I’ll be like, Man, I love this. Why was I think I don’t like this anymore.


Brett Scott  1:42:05

Yeah, he’s gonna be your secretaries. what it sounds like



Yeah, that’s probably what I’ll be. I’ll just be chasing people’s Yeah, for scheduling. That’s probably what’s gonna be most like your office person.


Brett Scott  1:42:17

There you go. And yeah, if you liked this podcast and want to share it, rate it, review it so other people like you can find it, please do. So. Next week, we have Dr. Ken doula coming on, who’s an EMT and we’re going to be talking all about sleep apnea, sinus surgeries, nasal surgeries, and how to perform your health and improve your health that way. So,



I tonsillectomy and I have part of my soft palate removed from sleep apnea. I’m listening to this one,


Brett Scott  1:42:49

right. Yeah, I’m looking. I’m actually looking to do a turbinate reduction and septoplasty because all right, this is with Afrin today, because we would turn up the gym with some concrete that broke but yeah, this is good me right now. I can’t breathe. So yeah. Call me Weezy



Weezy F, baby. Alright,


Brett Scott  1:43:16

I gotta get off. It’s dinnertime. I’m gonna go the bathroom. I will talk to you later, buddy. Was good talking. Absolutely. Thank you everyone for listening.